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August 25, 2008


Shayan Zadeh

Congratulations Josh :)

Josh Elman

Congratulations Josh and Shelfari team! Looking forward to what comes next in social communities around readhing and books.


Congrats Josh! Always great to see a successful exit from a local startup.

Todd Sawicki

Congrats - enjoyed meeting you guys and hearing your story this summer. Best of luck!

Ben Fremer

How much did it sell for? Inquiring minds want to know.



Dave Hanley

Thanks everyone! We're excited too.



Rudy Herman Sinen

Just stumbled upon Shelfari from Mashable. This is a great resource for books. I'm adding Shelfari to my fav social networking sites.

dave gaston

Congrat Josh, You have a great team and a super product. I'm a big fan. The site is a daily addiction of mine, well past passion. Dave (Garcon)

B.J. Schone

Congratulations! I love Shelfari. This is excellent news...

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